Teeka Tiwari’s US Energy Independence Summit is Wednesday, March 23. During this special briefing, Teeka will tell you about a tiny private company making shockwaves in energy and finance and how to invest in it.
His Crypto Picks Humiliate Stock Gains (And You Can Get His New Pick Free!)
Table of Contents
What Is Teeka Tiwari’s US Energy Independence Summit?
The US Government announced a ban on Russian oil as part of broader prohibition that also includes coal and natural gas. Gas prices are already at all-times high. US gasoline prices will rise further.
What is your plan?
Teeka Tiwari has one! He is organizing emergency briefing: Teeka Tiwari’s US Energy Independence Summit. It’s scheduled to take place on Wednesday, March 23, at 8 pm ET and It’s FREE to attend.
Thankfully our nation’s brightest minds have successfully taken US Energy Independence into their own hands.
A team of five experts, led by engineer and CEO have created a revolutionary energy breakthrough. They said they’ve found a new way to produce oil at a cheaper price. This innovative way does not involve drilling or fracking.
Their estimate cost is…hold your breath…$0.65 per barrel. Unbelievable, not even Saudi Arabia comes close to this number.
After vetting this private company, a Wall Street powerhouse become the largest shareholder. This firm’s deals are seen as some of the most profitable opportunities in the past 150 years.
Crisis investor reveals the 27 items you need right now
At time stamp 3:15, crisis investing expert Dave Forest is on-site revealing some of the 27 items you need to have on hand right now.
“When the coming crisis hits cruising speed, these essential items could sell out quickly and never be restocked.”
Click here now to see what’s on Dave’s list (VIDEO).
Teeka Tiwari’s US Energy Independence Summit Review
When you oin Teeka Tiwari’s first energy summit of his career – you will find out details about this heartland company.
Teeka will show his audience how to back this company while it is still private. Currently, its shares are only $1.25, and accredited investor status is NOT required.
This means that no matter your net-worth, you CAN get in the deal.
Keep in mind that as with all private companies, shares are strictly limited.
Just a hint: One of the last private deals Teeka has recommended was completely gone within 12 hours. It is expected this deal to go even faster.
The U.S. needs this company’s breakthrough now more than ever.
Take this opportunity and sign up for your FREE access!
Private Companies Can Withstand Volatility
Companies raising funds through a Regulation A+ or Reg CF offering are private. And since they don’t trade on public exchanges, their valuations aren’t affected by market volatility.
By operating as private entities, they can methodically execute their business plans outside of the wild swings of the public markets.
The best private companies can easily build up substantial war chests, too. Then they can use that money to buy distressed assets on the cheap whenever volatility creates good bargains.
Meanwhile, if the market stays volatile, they can stay private until conditions are more favorable for going public.
For all these reasons, studies by research firms like Blackstone and KKR show that private companies outperform the S&P 500.
They have lower volatility than publicly traded companies, performing better during challenging times.
So, with all the volatility we’re seeing in the public markets, now’s a great time to get exposure to the best private companies…
And Teeka has found an opportunity that’s squarely in the sweet spot of what will be a multibillion-dollar trend: American Energy Independence.
Trade ONE Stock for a Lifetime? Millionaire’s Secret…
What if you could IGNORE 99% of the entire stock market…
And still make 100%, 228%, and 373% gains in just 8 days – in bullish AND bearish conditions?
Sadly, most folks don’t even see 373% returns in a single year – or even in 10-years…
But today, millionaire trader and former professional money manager Jeff Clark, is revealing his newest trading breakthrough…
He’s used this secret to help 170,000 regular folks see triple-digit gains over 48 times and double-digit gains over 81 different times.
Click Here to Watch Jeff Demonstrate This ONE Stock Secret…
Teeka Tiwari’s US Energy Independence Summit: Turn Uncertainty Into Opportunity
Gas prices were already skyrocketing before President Joe Biden issued his order banning Russian oil imports to the United States.
But Teeka’s discovery is a positive sign that the country’s brightest minds are turning their focus toward U.S. energy independence.
It’s a tiny company in the American heartland creating a revolutionary energy breakthrough.
Led by a legendary engineer and CEO, it’s found a way to produce environmentally sound oil – without drilling and fracking – and at a cheaper cost than anywhere else in the world.
Teeka believes this private company could ultimately help offset some of the banned oil imports from Russia.
That’s likely a big reason why a Wall Street powerhouse has written a check to become its largest shareholder.
This firm’s deals are some of the most profitable opportunities of the past 150 years… including gains of 47x, 100x, and 159x.
And for the first time, you can get a seat at the table on the same terms as one of the largest, most powerful banking firms in the world…
Get My Choice for the No. 1 Microchip Stock of 2022 – FREE
“I called Nvidia at $25. It’s up as much as 4,950% since.
I called AMD at just $10. It’s up as much as 1,387% since.
Now, I just went on video to name what I believe will be the No. 1 Microchip Stock of 2022 – for FREE”. – Jeff Brown
Bottom Line: Should You Join
On Wednesday, March 23, at 8 p.m. ET, Teeka will dig into the details during his first-ever U.S. Energy Independence Summit.
During this special briefing, he’ll tell you about this tiny company making shockwaves in energy and finance.
You’ll even learn which Wall Street giant has its backing (you’ll be surprised). Most importantly, Teeka will show you how to back this company while it’s still private.
That’s the beauty of this opportunity… Its private status means it’s unaffected by the volatility we’re seeing in the broad market.
You’ll be able to get into it at $1.25 per share, and you won’t need to be an accredited investor to take part…
However, as with all private companies, shares are strictly limited. And one of Teeka’s last private recommendations sold out in 12 hours.
I know 2022 has gotten off to a rough start. And as the Russia-Ukraine conflict continues, so will volatility.
But in an environment like we’re in right now… private companies offer some of the best protection against volatility on the market chaos.
Be sure to join Teeka on Wednesday and let him show you how to turn uncertainty into opportunity.